The ideological heirs of Ibn Saba al-Yahoodi have historically taken steps to distance themselves from their Yahoodi-Majoosi origins. They have employed a strategy of leveling accusations against Muslims, particularly singling out the Prophet’s (ﷺ) closest companions and wives. These accusations involve labeling them as concealed followers of Yahoodism, aiming to erode their trustworthiness and reputation. They cite certain ambiguous narrations to support their claims, such as instances where Umar ibn al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) was reportedly criticised for reading the Torah. They single out Umar and forget the other authentic reports in which several Sahaba, including Ali himself and Abu Dharr, faced reproach from the Prophet (ﷺ), with incidents such as Abu Dharr’s derogatory remarks towards Bilal, may Allah be pleased with all Sahabah. However, the Prophet (ﷺ) never declared them as unbelievers or attributed frivolous allegations to them, unlike the approach adopted by the Rafidah. At times, a teacher’s strictness towards their students stems from affection rather than dismissal. Even kuffar comprehend this concept, yet it appears to elude the understanding of the Rafidah.

May Allah’s pleasure encompass all the Sahabah, as their virtuous actions unquestionably outweigh their errors and imperfections.

The paradox of labeling Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) as a hidden Jew is quite notable. After all, he holds the distinction of being the initial Caliph to banish Jews from the Arabian Peninsula, specifically from Hijaz – encompassing Madinah and Makkah.

As usual, the Rafidah are quick to point fingers, but their own stance seems pretty flimsy. It’s like they’re playing with matches, almost inviting trouble – kind of reminiscent of how their forefathers (Sabaites) faced the heat under Ali Ibn Abi Talib’s (may Allah be pleased with him) watch. The Rafidah are all caught up in pointing fingers at the Sahabah, claiming they had some secret allegiance to Yahoodism, all because they dared to engage with the Torah.

NOTE: Neither Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) nor any member of the Ahl al-Bayt has ever engaged in accusing any Sahabi of being a secret Yahoodi, let alone targeting Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) with such absurd claims. These misleading and defamatory allegations are the domain of pseudo-followers of Ali, the Rafidah, who somehow appear to think they know better than Ali himself.

Here’s a gift for those Sahabah vililifers who just can’t seem to resist their absurd compulsion to label some of the most esteemed Sahabah as covert Yahood.

It goes without saying that the subsequent Rafidi account is nothing more than a fabrication spawned by some Yahoodi-Majoosi zindiq, drawing inspiration from Ibn Saba.


Arabic text:

باب – في أن عندهم صلوات الله عليهم كتب الأنبياء عليهم السلام يقرؤنها على اختلاف لغاتها

جئنا إلى باب أبي جعفر (عليه السلام) نستأذن عليه فسمعنا صوتا حزينا يقرأ بالعبرانية فبكينا حيث سمعنا الصوت، وظننا أنه بعث إلى رجل من أهل الكتاب يستقرئه فأذن لنا فدخلنا عليه، فلم نر عنده أحدا فقلنا: أصلحك الله سمعنا صوتا بالعبرانية فظننا أنك بعثت إلى رجل من أهل الكتاب تستقرئه، قال لا، ولكن ذكرت مناجاة إليا لربه فبكيت من ذلك

بحار الأنوار – العلامة المجلسي – ج ٢٦ – الصفحة ١٨٠


Chapter: Concerning the belief in the possession of the scriptures of the Prophets (peace be upon them) by the Twelve Imams, who fluently read them in the languages in which they were originally revealed

We arrived at the door of Abu Ja’far (peace be upon him). We requested permission to visit him, and we heard a sorrowful voice reciting in Hebrew. Consequently, tears welled in our eyes upon hearing the voice, and we assumed that he had summoned a person from the people of the Book (Christian or Jew) to recite. He granted us permission, and we entered to meet him. However, we found no one alongside him. We greeted him, saying, ‘May Allah keep you in good health! We heard a voice in Hebrew and assumed that you had invited someone from the people of the Book to recite.’ He replied, ‘No, but I recalled a private dialogue (Munajat) of Elijah (Hebrew name of Ali according to the Shia) with his Lord, and it moved me to tears.’

We inquired, ‘And what was his private dialogue? May Allah make me a sacrifice for you!’ He continued, ‘He prayed: “O Lord, will You punish me after my long devotion to You? Will You punish me after my prolonged prayers to You?” He enumerated his deeds. Allah revealed to him, “I will not punish you.” He asked, “What prevents You from changing ‘Yes’ to ‘No,’ while I am Your servant and in Your control?” Allah revealed to him, “Whenever I say something, I am steadfast in it.

Source: ‘Bihar al-Anwar’ by Majlisi, Vol. 26, Pg. 180

Question to the Shia: When did it become part of the Prophet’s (ﷺ) Sunnah to recite supplications from the Bani Isra’il in HEBREW? Aren’t the Qur’an and the Sunnah sufficient? Has the Prophet (ﷺ) ever spoken or recited in Hebrew? It’s evident that only someone with a Yahoodi background could have fabricated these Shia narrations.

You can find loads of those Sabaite Yahoodi-influenced stories in their books. They’ve gone so far that whole CHAPTERS are packed with claims that their imams used to recite and lament just like a Yahoodi Rabbi.

Majlisi has dedicated an entire chapter to the notion that in Shiism, the Imams did not merely read the works of the Bani Israil (the same argument they use to criticise Umar, those hypocritical Rafidis!). They even RECITED them in Hebrew until they wept! Imagine if anything remotely similar were narrated about the Sahabah. They would have been accused of being chief Rabbis. Reflect on the fact that this conviction was so steadfast that they allocated whole chapters to it and filled them with narrations. There’s no way to escape by playing the ‘weak chain of narration’ card.

Their Imams secretly whispered supplications in Hebrew! According to Rafidi understanding, their Imams embody the Sunnah. This implies that the Rawafid should emulate their Imams and start whispering supplications in Hebrew (much like Rabbis today). I’m sure Israel would be delighted to offer them a prime spot next to the WAILING wall (Jews wail in a manner similar to Rawafid as a form of worship, incessantly), where they can both wail and murmur in Hebrew.

Top: An ultra-Orthodox Jew kisses the grave of extremist Baruch Goldstein in the West Bank settlement of Kiriyat Arba, outside Hebron, 29 December 1999. Goldstein massacred 29 Palestinian worshippers at the Cave of the Patriarch in Hebron in 1994 before being killed by the crowd. The shrine had become a pilgrimage site for right-wing extremists and settlers. Bottom: Khamanei the mushrik prostrating to the tombstone of Ali ibn Musa al-Rida (may Allah have mercy upon him) in Mashhad, Iran.