As per authoritative figures of Twelver Imamite Shiism, including the vehemently anti-Sunni Iranian zindiq and Safavid palace scholar Majlisi II (one of the ‘Shaykh al-Islams’ of Rafidi Twelverism who disbelieved in the preservation of the Quran), the so-called 12th Imam (pseudo-Mahdi, i.e., Dajjal) of the Rafidah is claimed to desecrate the graves of two esteemed companions of the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ), namely Abu Bakr and Umar (may Allah be pleased with them) once he emerges. What’s utterly shocking, according to this Rafidi narrative – one amongst many narratives fueling not just anti-Sunni sentiments but also the historical genocide and massacre of Sunnis in places like Iran during the Safavid era or, in contemporary times, in Iraq and Syria – is that this psychopathic Rafidi saviour, undoubtedly concocted by the Jewish Sabaites and the Sassanian Majoos, is expected to engage in sadistic torture of the Sahabah. The original narration is incredibly protracted, but for your convenience, here are the pertinent (still excessively long) segments:

قال المفضل: يا سيدي ثم يسير المهدي إلى أين ؟ قال عليه السلام: إلى مدينة جدي رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله، فإذا وردها كان له فيها مقام عجيب يظهر فيه سرور المؤمنين وخزي الكافرين. قال المفضل: يا سيدي ما هو ذاك ؟ قال: يرد إلى قبر جده صلى الله عليه وآله فيقول: يا معاشر الخلائق، هذا قبر جدي رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله ؟ فيقولون: نعم يا مهدي آل محمد فيقول: ومن معه في القبر ؟ فيقولون: صاحباه وضجيعاه أبو بكر وعمر، فيقول وهو أعلم بهما والخلائق كلهم جميعا يسمعون: من أبو بكر وعمر ؟ وكيف دفنا من بين الخلق مع جدي رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله، وعسى المدفون غيرهما. فيقول الناس: يا مهدي آل محمد صلى الله عليه وآله ما ههنا غيرهما إنهما دفنا معه لأنهما خليفتا رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وأبوا زوجتيه، فيقول للخلق بعد ثلاث: أخرجوهما من قبريهما، فيخرجان غضين طريين لم يتغير خلقهما، ولم يشحب لونهما
فيقول: هل فيكم من يعرفهما ؟ فيقولون: نعرفهما بالصفة وليس ضجيعا جدك غيرهما، فيقول: هل فيكم أحد يقول غير هذا أو يشك فيهما ؟ فيقولون: لا فيؤخر إخراجهما ثلاثة ايام، ثم ينتشر الخبر في الناس ويحضر المهدي ويكشف الجدران عن القبرين، ويقول للنقباء: ابحثوا عنهما وانبشوهما. فيبحثون بأيديهم حتى يصلون إليهما. فيخرجان غضين طريين كصورتهما فيكشف عنهما أكفانهما ويأمر برفعهما على دوحة يابسة نخرة فيصلبهما عليها، فتحيى الشجرة وتورق ويطول فرعها
بحار الأنوار للمجلسي الأول
Mufaddal (the narrator) asked, “O my master (‘6th infallible Imam’), where will the Mahdi go thereafter?” He, peace be upon him, replied, “To the city of my grandfather (i.e., ancestor), the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and his family. When he gets there, he will have a strange status. It will reveal the believers’ joy concerning him, and the sorrow of the disbelievers.”
Mufaddal said, “O my master! What will that be?” He replied, “He (i.e., the 12th Imam) will go to the grave of his ancestor, peace be upon him and his family, and will say, ‘O creation! Is this the grave of my grandfather, the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him and his family?’ They will say, ‘Yes, O Mahdi of the family of Muhammad.’ Then, he will say, ‘And who is with him in the grave?’ They will say, ‘His two companions and bedfellows, Abu Bakr and Umar.’ So, he will say—he will know best concerning the two of them—while the entire creation listens, ‘Who are Abu Bakr and Umar? And how were they—of all the creatures—buried with my ancestor, the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him and his family? Perhaps, others are buried here.’ The people will say, ‘O Mahdi of the family of Muhammad, peace be upon him and his family, there is none else here apart from the two of them. They have only been buried with him because they both were successors of the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him and his family, and his fathers-in-law.'”

So, he will say to the creatures after three days, ‘Exhume them both (i.e., Abu Bakr and Umar) from their grave.’ Then, they will be exhumed, and they will be fresh and intact, unchanged in their appearance, and their skin colour will not have become pallid. Then he (i.e., the 12th Imam) will say, ‘Is there anyone amongst you who recognises them both?’ They will say, ‘We recognise them both by description. There are no other bedfellows of your grandfather except them both.’ He will say, ‘Is there anyone amongst you who has a different opinion or who doubts concerning them both?’ They will say, ‘No.’ Then, he will delay their exhumation for three days. Subsequently, the news will spread amongst the people, and the Mahdi will come and remove the two walls from their graves. He will then say to the captains, ‘Search for them both and exhume them.’ So, they will search with their hands until they reach them both. Then, they will be exhumed, and they will be as fresh as they originally were. Then he (i.e., 12th Imam) will remove their shrouds and order that they both be raised on a large rotten tree, and he will crucify them on it. The tree will revive, and sprout, and its branches will grow tall. (Bihar al-Anwar by Majlisi II)

This absurd and hateful Shia narration continues with the Dajjalic Rafidi saviour (’12th Imam’) attributing every sin, from Adam’s time to the end of times, to Abu Bakr and Umar! Yes, every sin committed from the time of Adam to the end of times is literally attributed to Abu Bakr and Umar. This is how extreme, vicious, and illogical Shia hadiths are. Anyways, the grotesque and psychopathic narration ends like this:

فيأمر المهدي عليه السلام ريحا سوداء فتهب عليهم فتجعلهم كأعجاز نخل خاوية. ثم يأمر بانزالهما فينزلان إليه فيحييهما باذن الله تعالى ويأمر الخلائق بالاجتماع، ثم يقص عليهم قصص فعالهما في كل كور ودور حتى يقص عليهم قتل هابيل بن آدم عليه السلام، وجمع النار لإبراهيم عليه السلام، وطرح يوسف عليه السلام في الجب، وحبس يونس عليه السلام في الحوت، وقتل يحيى عليه السلام، وصلب عيسى عليه السلام […] وقتل الحسين عليه السلام، وذبح أطفاله وبني عمه وأنصاره […] وكل دم سفك، وكل فرج نكح حراما، وكل رين وخبث وفاحشة وإثم وظلم وجور وغشم منذ عهد آدم عليه السلام إلى وقت قيام قائمنا عليه السلام كل ذلك يعدده عليه السلام عليهما، ويلزمهما إياه فيعترفان به ثم يأمر بهما فيقتص منهما في ذلك الوقت بمظالم من حضر، ثم يصلبهما على الشجرة و يأمر نارا تخرج من الأرض فتحرقهما والشجرة ثم يأمر ريحا فتنسفهما في اليم نسفا. قال المفضل: يا سيدي ذلك آخر عذابهما؟ قال: هيهات يا مفضل والله ليردن وليحضرن السيد الأكبر محمد رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله والصديق الأكبر أمير المؤمنين وفاطمة والحسن والحسين والأئمة عليهم السلام وكل من محض الإيمان محضا أو محض الكفر محضا، وليقتصن منهما لجميعهم حتى أنهما ليقتلان في كل يوم وليلة ألف قتلة، ويردان إلى ما شاء ربهما.
ثم يسير المهدي عليه السلام إلى الكوفة وينزل ما بين الكوفة والنجف، وعنده أصحابه في ذلك اليوم ستة وأربعون ألفا من الملائكة وستة آلاف من الجن، والنقباء ثلاثمائة وثلاثة عشر نفسا
بحار الأنوار للمجلسي الأول

Then he (i.e., the 12th Imam) will command a black wind to blow upon them (i.e., Abu Bakr and Umar), reducing them to the state of desolate palm tree leaves. Subsequently, he will command the two to be brought down to him, and they will be brought down to him. With the permission of Allah, the Most High, he will bring them back to life and command the creations to assemble. Then, he will narrate to them stories of what both of them did during every age and epoch, till he will narrate to them the murder of Habil, the son of Adam, and the gathering of the fire for Ibrahim, peace be upon him; the throwing of Yusuf, peace be upon him, into the well; the confinement of Yunus, peace be upon him, inside the whale; the murder of Yahya, peace be upon him; the crucifixion of Jesus […] the murder of Al-Husayn, peace be upon him, and the slaughter of his babies, cousins, and helpers […] and every drop of blood shed, every forbidden act of fornication, every lie, filth, obscenity, sin, injustice, oppression, and cruelty from the time of Adam, peace be upon him, until the rise of our 12th Imam. He will charge all of that against them both, and will accuse them of everything, and they both will confess to everything. Then, he will order concerning them both, and every victim amongst those present will retaliate against them. Then, he will crucify them upon the tree and will command a fire which will come out of the earth, and it will burn them both and the tree. Then, he will command the wind to scatter the two of them away into the sea, annihilating them completely.”

Al-Mufaddal said, “O my master, is that their (i.e., Abu Bar and Umar’s) final punishment?” He replied, “Far from it, O Mufaddal! By Allah, they will be brought back, and they will appear before the Great Master, Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah, may Allah’s blessings be upon him and his family, along with the greatest Truthful, the Commander of the Faithful (i.e., Ali ibn Abi Talib), Fatimah, Al-Hasan, Al-Husayn, and the Imams, peace be upon them. They will seek retribution from both of them, for everyone, whether purely faithful or purely disbelieving. They will be avenged by them to the extent that they will be killed a thousand deaths every day and night, returning to the will of their Lord. Then, the Mahdi, peace be upon him, will proceed to Kufa and descend between Kufa and Najaf. With him on that day will be forty-six thousand angels, six thousand jinn, and three hundred and thirteen righteous individuals.” (Bihar al-Anwar by Majlisi II)

In another report in the same source, we read:

إذا قدم القائم عليه السلام وثب أن يكسر الحائط الذي على القبر فيبعث الله تعالى ريحا شديدة وصواعق ورعودا حتى يقول الناس: إنما ذا لذا، فيتفرق أصحابه عنه حتى لا يبقى معه أحد، فيأخذ المعول بيده، فيكون أول من يضرب بالمعول ثم يرجع إليه أصحابه إذا رأوه يضرب المعول بيده، فيكون ذلك اليوم فضل بعضهم على بعض بقدر سبقهم إليه، فيهدمون الحائط ثم يخرجهما غضين رطبين فيلعنهما ويتبرأ منهما ويصلبهما ثم ينزلهما ويحرقهما ثم يذريهما في الريح

“When the Awaited One (may peace be upon him) arrives, he will leap to break the wall upon the grave. Allah, the Most High, will then send a strong wind, accompanied by lightning and thunder, until the people say, ‘This is only for that.’ His companions will disperse from him until not a single person remains with him. He will take the pickaxe in his hand and be the first to strike with it. Then, his companions will return to him when they see him striking with his hand. On that day, some will gain superiority over others based on the timing of their arrival. They will then demolish the wall, and he (i.e., the 12th Imam) will exhume both of them (i.e., Abu Bakr and Umar) who will be in a fresh and wet state. He will then curse them, disassociate from both, crucify them, bring them down, burn them, and scatter their ashes in the wind.” (Bihar al-Anwar by Majlisi II)

The absurdity of these narrations is so baffling that one finds it challenging to determine where to begin when offering commentary. This Rafidi hadith, openly quoted by even modern-day Shia scholars in their lectures, accuses Abu Bakr and Umar (may Allah be pleased with them) of several crimes, including the murder of Habil, son of Adam; the gathering of the fire for Ibrahim; the throwing of Yusuf into the well; the confinement of Yunus inside the whale; the murder of Yahya, and the crucifixion of Isa (Jesus Christ)—all of which occurred before Abu Bakr and Umar, these two noble men, were even born! Certainly, nothing can be more laughable and fallacious than these blatantly outrageous claims?! Unsurprisingly, this fabricated report also falsely affirms the ‘crucifixion of Jesus’, directly contradicting the Book of Allah and the authentic Sunnah. Meanwhile, the Qur’an explicitly states that no such crucifixion ever took place.

وقولهم إنا قتلنا المسيح عيسى ابن مريم رسول الله وما قتلوه وما صلبوه

And their saying, “Surely, we killed the Masih, ‘Isa b. Maryam, the Messenger of Allah.” And they did not kill him, AND THEY DID NOT CRUCIFY HIM (Quran 4:157)

Evidently, the person who fabricated that hadith lacked familiarity with the Book of Allah. This deficiency is prominently evident throughout the report, and at times, they carry their profound ignorance to absurd extents. As previously mentioned, it is not challenging to come across Twelver clerics citing this fabricated narrative as ‘evidence’ in desperate endeavors to disparage Abu Bakr and Umar (may Allah be pleased with them).

Furthermore, observe that it is by the decree of Allah that He has exposed the Rafidah through their own actions and fabrications, particularly the ‘hadith of the Ahl al-Bayt’. The Rafidi fabricators who concocted this Yahoodi-Majoosi fabrication while trying to spice up things and portray their Dajjalic 12th Imam as some sort of Rambostani avenger inadvertently proved the purity of Abu Bakr and Umar (may Allah be pleased with them). We know, as Muslims, that the corpses of martyrs (the highest form of believers) do not decay and remain fresh and unchanged. This corroborates with some historical accounts that, during expansion works at the Prophet’s mosque in the past, people accidentally dug to an extent that the feet of Umar ibn al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) became visible, completely undecayed! Despite some known damage control attempts by the Rafidi clergy and apologists (“Abu Bakr and Umar being in their original state is a test for their followers” nonsense), it is clear that the ignoramus who concocted the narration forgot that by portraying the corpses of Abu Bakr and Umar in an impeccable and well-preserved condition, they affirm what Shia and Sunni accounts testify to for blessed martyrs, i.e., their corpses not decaying.

Glory and praise be to the One who exposes the Rafidah at their own hands.

PS: Similar blatant fabrications, in which the 12th Imam (Dajjal) is said to torture Abu Bakr and Umar (may Allah be pleased with them), have been transmitted by other major Twelver authorities as well. They had no shame in attributing absurd nonsense, which literally oozes of mental illness, to the Ahl al-Bayt of the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ). Here are some screenshots from a Rafidi website that proudly quotes this embarrassment, what they call the ‘hadith of Ahl-E-Beit’:

[Shubhah: Aren’t these narrations weak according to Shia Rijal (science of narrators) standards? Surely they are weak? Response: Well, the entire Rafidi religion is weak. As for the narrations about their sadistic mythical Mahdi (who, although does not exist in reality, does exist in their minds, causing deep anti-Sunni and anti-Sahabah sentiments amongst their masses) desecrating the graves of Abu Bakr and Umar (may Allah be pleased with them) and crucifying and burning them being inauthentic: not just Shia laymen, but even their clerics are known to give little to no importance to Shia Rijal standards. They are pretty much known worldwide to espouse whatever superstition (khurafat) and kufr and Sahabah hatred there is in their books. So it means little to nothing when a small minority of Shias weaken narrations that are otherwise widely circulated amongst their sect.]